MongoDB Standby Tool

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MongoDB Standby Tool is used to reconfigure some of the MongoDB replica set members to be in a hidden and secondary state. For example, you can have a replica set where members are running in multiple regions for disaster recovery purposes.

        docker pull

A configuration template is available at tools/mongodb/standby-tool/config.yaml.

log.levelstringLogging enabled from this level."info"
log.encodingstringLogging format. Supported values are: "json", "console"."json"
log.stacktrace.enabledboolLog stacktrace.false
log.stacktrace.levelstringStacktrace from this level."warn"
log.encoderConfig.timeEncoderstringTime format for logs. Supported values are: "rfc3339nano", "rfc3339"."rfc3339nano"

When the tool is started, it is in standby mode by default. In this mode, all members in the replica set are available, and members in the standby list are set as hidden, without votes, priority, and with a delay. All other members are reconfigured as secondary members. You can change the mode to active by setting the mode property to active. In this mode, standby members are set as secondary members with votes, priority, and without delay, and other members are set as hidden, without votes, priority, and with a delay.

modestringSet the running mode of the tool. Supported modes are "standby" and "active"."standby"
replicaSet.forceUpdateboolUpdate the replica set configuration with the force flag. More info [here](
replicaSet.maxWaitsForReadyintSet the maximum number of retries for members to be ready.30
replicaSet.standby.members[]stringList of the MongoDB members in the replica set which are used as hidden (mode == "standby") or secondary (mode == "active") members. All other members are reconfigured to the opposite.[]
replicaSet.standby.delaysstringSet the delay for syncing the hidden members with the secondary/primary members.6m
replicaSet.secondary.priorityintUsed to configure the secondary members' priority.10
replicaSet.secondary.votesintSet the number of votes for the secondary members.1

The tool uses the first member in the standby list (replicaSet.standby.members) to connect to MongoDB.

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefault maximum duration for the entire request operation."20s" true, use TLS for the connection.false[]stringFile paths to the root certificates in PEM format. The file may contain multiple certificates.[] path to the private key in PEM format."" path to the certificate in PEM format."" true, use the system certification pool.false

Note that string types related to time (i.e. timeout, idleConnTimeout, expirationTime) are decimal numbers, each with an optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “300ms”, “1.5h”, or “2h45m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us”, “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.

Jun 26, 2024

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