The plgd system incorporates a Secured Onboarding of Devices feature that guarantees a secure and dependable procedure for incorporating devices into the system. This functionality encompasses various tasks such as overseeing device identity certificates, integrating with root certification authorities, and generating and providing per device chain of trust certificates. In line with the OCF specifications, the system relies on X.509 certificates for device identity and authentication purposes.
Learn more about Secured Onboarding of Devices
The Control Plane feature enables users to manage the devices in the system. This includes the ability to perform maintenance tasks, manage device metadata, and control the devices from the cloud or local network.
Learn more about Control Plane
The Monitoring and Diagnostics feature enables users to monitor and diagnose the system. This includes the ability to view device status, check device health, and monitor system performance.
Learn more about Monitoring and Diagnostics
plgd makes it simpler to build a successful IoT initiative – to create a proof of concept, evaluate, optimize, and scale.