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  • ☐ Event Stream Management: Seamlessly stream events from the plgd hub to a wide range of external services. Configure rules to control which events are transmitted and where they are sent.

  • ☐ Advanced Filtration Mechanism: Enhance event filtering with options including:

    • Device ID: Filter events based on the unique identifier of the originating device.
    • Href: Utilize the href attribute for event selection.
    • Resource Types: Specify resource types to target events relevant to particular data types.
    • Event Type: Differentiate events based on their type.
    • Content Filtering: Apply jq expressions for advanced content-based filtering.
  • ☐ Supported Target Services:

    • HTTP: Integrate with web services and APIs via HTTP endpoints.
    • NATS: Use the NATS messaging system for distributed event streaming.
  • ☐ Dynamic Target Parameters: Define target parameters using templates with placeholders to dynamically populate values from event content, ensuring accurate data delivery to external services.

Jun 14, 2024

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