Branding dashboard

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In the plgd hub, customization of the UI for your company is possible. This includes the ability to modify the logo, colors, and even switch to your own preferred theme.

To create your own theme, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository by running the following command:

    SOURCE Copy
            git clone --recursive --branch v2.15.0
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory and install the necessary packages:

    SOURCE Copy
            cd hub/http-gateway/web
    npm install
  3. Create your own theme within the ./packages/shared-ui/src/components/Atomic/_theme/mycompany.ts directory. You can refer to ./packages/shared-ui/src/components/Atomic/_theme/plgd.ts as an example.

    SOURCE Copy
            cp ./packages/shared-ui/src/components/Atomic/_theme/plgd.ts ./packages/shared-ui/src/components/Atomic/_theme/mycompany.ts
  4. Build your theme by executing the following command:

    SOURCE Copy
            node ./packages/shared-ui/scripts/build.theme.js --themes=mycompany

The generated theme will be stored in ./public/theme/theme.json.

To implement these changes and refresh the UI, you have two options. First, you can set the theme in JSON format using .Values.httpgateway.ui.theme in the Helm values file. Alternatively, you can directly replace the file in the Docker image at the path /usr/local/var/www/theme/theme.json.


You might need to adjust some CSS in order to have the Logo rendered correctly, if the size is different than the recommended one. You can modify these values in left-panel.scss, look for the classes .logo-big and .logo-small. Adjust the height in these classes to fit your needs.

The application name which also appears in the title bar can be changed by modifying the appName field in config.js.

The header has a dedicated component which can be found in status-bar.js. You can modify the status-bar <header id="status-bar">...</header> by removing existing components like LanguageSwitcher and UserWidget or by adding different content in the header.

Footer has a dedicated component which can be found in footer.js. You can modify the footer tag by removing the already present links, or simply adding different content next to them.

Every text in this application is coming from a translation file located in languages.json. This object contains a language block for each language you support in your application. If a block is missing you can duplicate an existing block and modify the block with the language code that is missing.

Some messages might be missing. This is due to fact that they were not yet translated. You can add them manually or use a language editor like POEditor.

You can also override these strings to fit your need, for example, if you would like to have Lights as the name of the menu which we call Devices, you have to find the key menu.devices and change its value to Lights.

May 13, 2021

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